

4.25.20 Geofencing, Data Protection and Privacy Amidst Pandemic

4.26.20 Google court docs raise concerns on geofence warrants, location tracking

2.7.21 Police in Minneapolis reportedly used a geofence warrant at Floyd protest last year

6.10.21 Why Colorado’s data privacy bill may be a big mountain to climb for marketers

6.23.21The top 5 geofencing strategies for grocers to foster loyalty and improve operations

 6.25.21 Location-Based Attendance Tracking With Geofencing

Technology Addiction

6.23.21 Instagram’s newest test mixes ‘Suggested Posts’ into the feed to keep you scrolling

6.30.21 New study finds that smartphones really are addictive. But skeptics remain cautious

5.2.21 What are you really looking for on your phone?

4.27.21 Facebook, YouTube, Twitter execs grilled by senators over addictive nature of their apps

3.02.21 Smartphone addiction ruins sleep, study says, but you can fight back

12.10.20 COVID-19 made our tech addiction worse: It’s time to do something about it 


Ex-Facebook executive says company made its product as addictive as cigarettes


Contact Tracing

12.20.19 NY Times - Smartphones Are Spies. Here’s Whom They Report To

2.7.20 VOX - Law enforcement is now buying cellphone location data from marketers

5.18.20 ACLU - Issues Governance Principles For COVID-19 Contact Tracing Technologies

6.12.20 Financial Post - Double-double tracking: How Tim Hortons knows where you sleep, work and vacation

6.26.20 WSJ-House Investigating Company Selling Phone Location Data to Government Agencies

6.26.20 CDC - Get and Keep America Open: Supporting states, tribes, localities, and territories

6.26.20 Forbes - Black Lives Matter Protesters Exposed To Secretive Phone Location Tracking

6.26.20 LA Times - Lawmakers warn coronavirus contact-tracing is ripe for abusive surveillance


Radiation, RF, EMF

American Cancer Society -What Causes Cancer?

10.21.19 National Library of Medicine - Evaluation of the Genotoxicity of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation in Male and Female Rats and Mice Following Subchronic Exposure

1.17.20 Yale School of Medicine - Thyroid Cancer, Genetic Variations, and Cell Phones Linked in New Yale School of Public Health Study

2.11.20 Popular Mechanics - Your iPhone 11 Pro Emits Twice the Amount of Radiation for Safe Use

12.13.20 Cell Phone Radiation Damages DNA in Mice: Are Humans At Risk, Too?






Dr. Devra Davis - Founding director of the Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology of the U.S. National Research Council